maandag 27 oktober 2008
zaterdag 18 oktober 2008
I've been tagged - twice!!!!
I've been tagged by Janet and Cheri!
Here's how it works...
- Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
- Answer the five sets of five (this is the easy part)
- Tag 5 people in the last section by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
- Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
- My family
- Stamping Bella
- Scrapbooking
- Watching chickflicks
- Reading chicklits
- Waking up int the morning and looking outside to discover it is still dark
- Riding my bike to work in the rain
- The fact that the weekend is only two days :-)
- The fact that I still haven't won the lottery :-)
- The fact that cleaning my house takes up my time that i could spend stamping :-)
- So what! - Pink
- I'm Yours - Jason Mraz
- Honey, Honey - Soundtrack Mamma Mia!
- Burnin' Up - Jonas Brothers
- How does she know - Soundtrack Enchanted
- Chinese food
- Domino's Pizzas
- Cherry Coca Cola Light
- Mc Donalds hamburgers
- Hot chocolate milk with whipped cream
- Joan (my mom, hihi)
- Kimmie
- Jacqueline TresBella
- Mel Hulachickabella
- Heidi Walczak
Gepost door
Jessica Ottevanger
1 reacties
Look what I got from my Bella Sistah Janet
This lovely pink one is for my birthday. I totally love it!!!!
This one is to wish me a happy Halloween, well that shouldn't be a problem with this rocking card! And this little rockstar is soooo cute. So Janet thanks for sending me these awesome cards and be on the look out for some cards coming your way :-)
Also many thanks for the images that I keep receiving, you really rock as a Bella Sistah!
Gepost door
Jessica Ottevanger
1 reacties
Labels: Bella Sistah, Bellas, Rockabella, Sistah Janet Rossi
More Bella stuff
Gepost door
Jessica Ottevanger
Labels: Bella Sistah, Fashionistabella, Iwishilookedsogoodonabikeabella, Sistah Janet Rossi, Stampingbella
woensdag 8 oktober 2008
Blog candy from Janet
Please visit this cool blog from my bella Sistah Janet Rossi, she is offering really cool blog candy!
Gepost door
Jessica Ottevanger
1 reacties